Custom Door and Window Reinforcement
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About TUff House
A note from Tuff House founder André Golubic
Although I founded Tuff House in 2009, my company's story really begins in late 2006, when my home in Atlanta's historic Kirkwood neighborhood was burglarized.
Like many of us, we assumed that keeping our doors locked, the window sash locks closed, and living near a police precinct would be sufficient deterrents against this type of crime.
Unfortunately, they weren't. The police weren't able to help us retrieve our belongings, either. All we could do was look at our home carefully, and consider where we went wrong with securing our home. Scanning our house, I discovered vulnerabilities everywhere. As a real estate broker, home renovator, construction consultant, and perennial mechanical tinkerer, I took on the challenge of trying to burglar-proof my Victorian home.
My goal was retain the antique appearance of my home while using modern materials and equipment to engineer a home that could stand up to all but the most determined attacker. A couple of years later, a neighbor called for help with repairing a recently kicked-in front door. I decided to help repair and reinforce his home, and did the same for another friend, then another. The tools and materials I used on my own front door were the prototype for what would become the standard for all Tuff House door and window reinforcements.
Tuff House door and window reinforcement raises the standard of home security to a level seldom seen in the residential housing market, because our solutions are effective, affordable, and visually well-designed.
This balance of form and function is what I have in my home, and what I want you to have in yours.